Food challenge in the allergy clinic (1307)

Key points below

What is a food challenge?

It is the best test to find out if a patient is allergic to a certain food. It can also tell us if the patient has outgrown the allergy or is still allergic.

When is a food challenge done?

Why is it done in the clinic?

What happens during a clinic food challenge?

How do I prepare for a clinic food challenge?

Who should not have a food challenge?

A food challenge should not be done:

What are the risks?

Mild reactions may happen during or after the challenge. They include rash, a few hives, eczema that gets worse, diarrhea, vomiting once, sneezing, stuffy nose, and runny nose, a change in behavior or headache.

Serious reactions do not happen often, but they can lead to death if not treated. Tell the nurse right away if there are any of the following:

Anaphylactic shock is the most serious allergic reaction. It can be a combination of any of the above symptoms and can be life threatening. It can happen in a few minutes or up to 24 hours after the food has been given. It is important to watch for anaphylaxis, but it is does not happen often. Call 9-1-1 if any of these symptoms happen after leaving the clinic!

What happens if there is a reaction?

By signing the consent form, permission has been given to the provider to do a food challenge and treat any reaction.

What happens after a clinic food challenge?


Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.