What is asthma? (1884)

Key points below

How does asthma affect the lungs?

The lungs are made up of many tiny tubes. These tubes are called bronchioles. The bronchioles carry air in and out of the lungs. In a normal airway, air moves freely through the bronchioles and breathing is easy.

When asthma is not under good control, three things change in the airways that make it hard to breathe:

These three things all make the airways smaller. When the airways get smaller it is hard to get air in and out. This can cause wheezing, coughing and trouble breathing.

Signs and symptoms of asthma:

When asthma is not well-controlled, symptoms may include:



Chest tightness

Trouble being active


When these symptoms are happening, it means your asthma is not under good control.  Call your provider. Medicine doses may need to be changed or new medicine added.


Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.