Peanut allergy OIT - Sedond phase (1926)

Key points below

What is Palforzia and peanut OIT?

Palforzia is a peanut protein. It is given to help lessen allergic reactions to peanut (desensitization.) It is given as a powder that is swallowed. There are 3 phases of treatment.

How does the second phase (up-dosing) work?

During this phase of treatment, the patient will take higher doses of Palforzia every two weeks. At home, you will take the same amount of Palforzia each day, for the next 2 weeks. Then come back to the clinic, and the next higher dose will be given.

What are the doses of Palforzia that will be taken?

Daily Dose: 3 mg

Daily Dose: 6 mg

Daily Dose: 12 mg

Daily Dose: 3 mg

Daily Dose: 6 mg

Daily Dose: 12 mg

Daily Dose: 20 mg

Daily Dose 40 mg

Daily Dose: 80 mg

Daily Dose: 120 mg

Daily Dose: 160 mg

Daily Dose: 200 mg

Daily Dose: 240 mg

Daily Dose: 300 mg

Why is it done in the clinic?

There is a risk for an allergic reaction. The clinic has supplies and staff to help your child if they have an allergic reaction. This visit takes about 2 hours.

How do I prepare for the visit?

What should I watch for?

Mild reactions may happen during or after the challenge. They include:

Serious reactions do not happen often, but they can lead to death if not treated. Tell the nurse right away if there are any of the following:

Call 9-1-1 if any of these symptoms happen after leaving the clinic!

What happens after this visit?

After each up-dosing visit, you will keep taking that dose every day for the next 2 weeks. You will be given the right number of doses for the next two weeks at your office visit. The daily dose should be given during a rest time. It should not be given:

After finishing all 11 up-dosing steps, the patient will enter the maintenance phase.

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