Oxygen therapy at home (1952)

Key points below

Oxygen Therapy at Home

Your child needs to use oxygen at home. A home care company will get you the equipment and supplies needed. The supplies for home may be different from what is being used in the hospital. It is important to follow the home care company’s directions.

Use these tips to keep your child safe.Oxygen supply gauge

General information

The home care company will:

The home care company may bring the concentrator to the hospital or to your home. 

Things to check every day:


A nasal cannula is used to give your child oxygen at home.

Oxygen Safety

When to call the doctor

If your child has trouble breathing:

  1. Check the oxygen tank - if the tank is empty, connect to the home concentrator if you can or switch tanks; or call the home agency for new tanks.
  2. Check the nasal cannula. Make sure it is in the nose and the tubing is connected to the tank.
  3. If the oxygen is working and connected and your child still has trouble breathing, call your child’s doctor right away

If your child has signs of breathing trouble (see drawing), it can mean that they are not getting enough oxygen. 

How my child looks with trouble breathing: 


For more information:

Visit the American Lung Association for more information about using oxygen at home:



Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.