Nebulizer with mouthpiece (5011)

Key points below


A nebulizer turns medicine into a mist that you can breathe deeply into your airways. Nebulizers are used when a person with asthma has trouble using a metered dose inhaler. Some medicines can be mixed together in a nebulizer. Check with your doctor or a pharmacist about mixing medicines.

1Nebulizer instruction 1

Set machine on a hard, level surface
and plug it into an electrical outlet. 

2Nebulizer instruction 2

Put the medicine in the
nebulizer cup and attach the cap

3Nebulizer instruction 3

Put T-piece on top of nebulizer cup.
Attach the mouthpiece on one end of the T-piece and wrinkled tube at the other end of the T-piece.

4Nebulizer instruction 4

Attach one end of the clear, skinny
tube to the bottom of the nebulizer cup and the other end to the nebu- lizer machine.

5Nebulizer instruction 5

Have the person sit
straight up.

6Nebulizer instruction 6

Put the mouthpiece in the mouth, between teeth, and close the lips.

7Nebulizer instruction 7

Turn on the machine.
Keep the nebulizer medicine cup in an up- right position.
Encourage slow, deep breaths through the mouthpiece.

Hold each breath for 10 seconds, then ex- hale slowly through the mouthpiece. The treatment is done when all the medicine is used and no mist can be seen. You may need to tap the side of the medicine cup during treatment.

8Nebulizer instruction 8

Rinse and spit.

Funded in part by a WI Asthma Coalition grant from the WI Department of Health Services through a Centers for Disease Control cooperative agreement.
Artwork created through a partnership with the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design.
© 2014 Fight Asthma Milwaukee (FAM) Allies. All rights reserved.
Cleaning and storage

Disinfect weekly

Care of the machine



Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.