Understanding cystic fibrosis - CF glucose test results (1512)

Key points below

Understanding the results

The oral glucose tolerance test is done to find out how your body handles glucose (sugar). If the body does not use glucose like it should, it can cause diabetes. Untreated diabetes can make CF worse. It can worsen lung function and cause weight loss.  

This chart will help you understand your test results.  It will also tell you if you need to do anything different and when to have the glucose test again. 

Fasting blood glucose

Less than100 mg/dl
Do the test again in one year.

100 to125 mg/dl Impaired Fasting Glucose
Do the test again in one year or sooner if you show signs of diabetes.
* The CF team will watch this more closely.

126 mg/dl or higher
CF Related Diabetes
Start blood glucose testing and see a diabetes doctor. You have CF Related Diabetes. You do not have to do the test again.

1 hour glucose

Less than 200 mg/dl
Normal Do the test again in one year.

Greater than 200 mg/dl
Indeterminate Glycemia
Do the test again in one year or sooner if you show signs of diabetes.* The CF team will watch this more closely.

2 hour glucose

Less than 140 mg/dl
Do the test again in one year.

140 to 200 mg/dl
Impaired Glucose Tolerance
Do the test again in one year or sooner if you show signs of diabetes.
* The CF team will watch this more closely.

Higher than 200 mg/dl
CF Related Diabetes
Start blood glucose testing and see a diabetes doctor. You have CF Related Diabetes. You do not have to do the test again.

* Know the signs of diabetes and watch for them. These signs often show up when you have a lung infection:  


Call the CF team if you have any concerns or if your child has:

  • Any diabetes symptoms as mentioned above.
  • Special health care needs not covered by this information.