Being safe around lead (1936)

Key points below

What is lead?

Where is lead found?

Lead can still be found around us because it was often used in the past in paint, gasoline and water pipes.

Lead can be found in hoses, toys, and water

It can be found in:

What does lead do to a body?

What can I do to protect my child?

Have a blood lead test done at your doctor’s office

Wash hands before every meal and at bedtime

Adults always wash hands after touching bullets or fishing gear

Clean up dust around windows, doors and floors.

Wash toys, bottles, pacifiers and clothes with soap and water regularly.

Leave your shoes at the door to keep lead from coming into your home.

Use a water filter. Replace it regularly.

Give your child healthy foods.

Feed your child foods with calcium, iron and vitamin C.  These foods may help keep lead out of the body.


Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.