Phototherapy in the dermatology clinic (1678)

Key points below

What is phototherapy?

Phototherapy is a medical treatment. Ultraviolet light is used to treat some skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo. It is also used for itching and other skin problems. It must be done under the care of a doctor and with a prescription.phototherapy

How is it done?

You will undress and stand in a treatment light box. The box is lined with many light bulbs. The skin is exposed to ultraviolet B light. The dose and the number of treatments are based on the color of your skin and how you have responded to treatments if you have had them before. 

Important information 

Skin products

Safety reminders

What are some of the benefits of phototherapy?

Side effects may be:

Other risks include:

An allergic reaction is very rare but can happen.
Long-term UVB therapy can have a small risk of skin cancer.
Eye damage if protective eye goggles are not worn.
Aging of the skin, tanning and freckling.
A reaction to a medicine you are taking called a photo-drug reaction. Be sure to tell us about all medicines, vitamins and over-the counter supplements you are taking. 
Sometimes it does not help a person’s skin condition.
Other long-term effects that are not known at this time.

What kind of follow-up do I need?

You will need to see your skin doctor (dermatologist) every 2 to 3 months during phototherapy. Your doctor will look to see how your skin is responding to treatment and if you should continue. Phototherapy may not be done without the doctor’s continued orders.

Tell your doctor or nurse if any moles change in size, shape or color. Let them know about any new moles or pearly-looking bumps of the skin as well. 

Does insurance pay for treatment?

Most insurance companies will cover phototherapy, but approval is needed before starting treatment. Our staff will check with your insurance company and then call you to set up a treatment schedule. Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for insurance approval. Phototherapy is subject to your deductible. 



Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.