G-voke HypoPen glucagon (1560)

Key points below

For very low blood sugar

What is the Gvoke HypoPen?

Gvoke HypoPen is a medicine. It is given as a shot into the fatty tissue under the skin. It is used in an emergency when your child has a very low blood sugar. It is given to release stored sugar into the blood stream.

When do I need to use it?

Use if your child shows signs of severe low blood sugar. These include:

What are the most common side effects?

What should I know about the Gvoke HypoPen?

 Child is less than 100 pounds 0.5 mg
 Child is more than 100 pounds 1.0 mg

Special information

How do I give Gvoke HypoPen to my child?Using Gvoke HypoPen glucagon

It is an emergency when your child has a very low blood sugar.

  1. Tear open pouch at the dotted line.
  2. Remove the pen.
  3. Pull off the red cap.
  4. Choose the lower belly, outer thigh, or upper arm for your shot. Remove any clothing covering the skin. The shot must be given straight into the skin. Do not give the shot through clothing.
  5. Push and hold the pen straight down against the skin. Listen for a “click”.
  6. Continue to hold the pen and count slowly to five. Watch the viewing window. When it is all red, the shot is done. Do not lift the pen from the skin until it is done.
  7. Turn your child onto their side to prevent choking in case they throw up. Keep them on their side until they are awake and able to sit up.

For more information: https://kidshealth.org/ChildrensWi/en/parents


Call if your child

  • Has had a severe low blood sugar and you needed to give glucagon.
  • is throwing up.
  • Has other questions or concerns

Monday through Friday (8:00AM to 4:30 PM): 414-266-2862
Other times: Children’s operator and ask for diabetes clinic doctor on call: 414-266-2000