Drug or chemical induced diabetes (1604)

Key points below

What is diabetes?

When you eat, some foods (called carbohydrates) break down into sugar. Sugar enters your bloodstream and the blood levels of sugar rise. The rise tells the pancreas to let out insulin.

Insulin helps sugar move from your blood into your cells where it is used for energy. Sugar is the fuel for your body. Without insulin, your body cannot use the food you eat.

With diabetes, the body does not make or use insulin the way it should.

What causes drug or chemical induced diabetes (DCID)?

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms can include:

Some people with DCID do not have symptoms. The diabetes is found because a healthcare provider checked their blood sugar levels.

How is it treated?

A diabetes doctor, called an Endocrinologist, will help plan the treatment. The goal is to lower your child’s blood sugar level lower and to allow their body to use the food they eat. Your child needs energy to get well. DCID is most often treated with changes to your child’s diet. Insulin shots may be needed, too.

The only way to give insulin is with a shot. The needles used to give insulin are very short and thin. Your healthcare provider will teach you how to check your child’s blood sugar level and give insulin. You may also ask a home health nurse to help once you get home. Pills may also be used with the insulin in some cases.


There are different types of insulin. Your doctor will tell you which types of insulin your child needs.

Checking your blood sugar

Regular care is important. Your Endocrinologist will help you with dosing information and diabetes care. You may also meet with other members of the diabetes team to learn more about your child’s condition and how to manage it. It is very important to control diabetes so your child can heal.

For more information:



Call your child’s doctor, nurse or clinic if you or your child have any concerns or your child has special health care needs not covered by this information.