Gender affirming therapy with testosterone (1736)
Key points below
What is testosterone?
Testosterone is a hormone that makes a body look more masculine. Some effects only last while you take the medicine. Some of the effects of this medicine are permanent. They cannot be undone even if you stop taking it. Testosterone is given with a shot into the fat layer under the skin or applied to the skin as a gel or cream.What are some of the risks and benefits of taking testosterone?
- Lower voice.
- More body hair.
- More facial hair.
- May sometimes cause an Adam's apple to appear.
- More muscle mass, more strength, and more energy.
- No more menstrual periods.
- Bigger clitoris.
- More sex drive.
- Protection against bone thinning (osteoporosis).
- Acne (may permanently scar).
- High blood pressure (hypertension).
- Vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal wall.
- Increased red blood cell count. This can lead to a higher risk of blood clots. The risk is higher if you smoke.
- Infertility. You may not be able to have biologic children.
- Headache.
- Male pattern baldness.
- Fluid retention which causes swelling of the hands, feet and legs.
- Weight gain.
What will happen if you stop taking it?
- The acne caused by the testosterone may get better. Acne scars may not go away.
- You may start having menstrual periods again. This can happen within a few months.
- When you take testosterone, you will notice less fat on your butt, hips, and thighs but more on your abdomen. If you stop taking testosterone, the fat distribution will change.
- More muscle mass and strength will go away when you stop taking it.
- Vaginal dryness will decrease.
The effects of testosterone on fertility are not known.
- You can become pregnant even after testosterone stops menstrual periods. Testosterone is not birth control. Use other forms of birth control to protect yourself and your partner.
- You may or may not be able to become pregnant even if testosterone is stopped.
What are likely permanent changes even if you stop taking testosterone?
- Bigger clitoris, often about half an inch to a little more than an inch.
- Deeper voice.
- Facial hair may slow in growth, but you will still see the hair follicle and some facial hair.
- Hair loss at the temples and crown of the head. You could become completely bald.
- More, thicker, and coarser hairs on abdomen, arms, back, chest, and legs.