Submandibular gland surgery (1420)

Key points below

What is submandibular gland removal surgery?salviary gland

Some children have too much spit.  That can cause pneumonia, choking or problems to their skin. This surgery removes the submandibular gland (spit gland) which makes spit.  This gland is under the chin.  

What do I need to know before my child's surgery?


We try to schedule surgery as soon as possible.  If you have not heard from us in 2 weeks, please call our office.

Surgery is best done when your child is healthy. If your child is sick call our office right away. Surgery may need to be canceled.

You will be told when your child should stop eating and drinking before surgery. It is very important to follow this order. Your child’s surgery will need to be canceled if this order is not followed.


Do not give your child these medicines at least 2 weeks before surgery: 


They increase the chance of bleeding during surgery.

You may give Tylenol as needed. Do not stop any prescribed medicines without talking with your doctor. Please call our office if your child is put on any new medicines.

What do I need to know after my child's surgery?

You will receive an after visit summary (AVS) after surgery.  The AVS will have details about:

follow up care.
pain medicine after surgery.  
activities your child can start doing after surgery. To help you plan, you should know that most times the activity and follow up care in the AVS will be like the information below. Your child’s AVS may have special care details just for them and be different. 


Limit your child’s activities for the first few days.
Your child may need to stay home from school and daycare for a few days.
Your child may play normally when the pain is better.
No contact sports or swimming for 2 weeks after surgery.

For more health and wellness information check out this resource:


Call your child's doctor, nurse, or the ENT clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has:

swelling of their neck.
redness or drainage from the area where the surgery was done.
a temperature higher than 102° F.
special health care needs that were not covered by this information.