Esophageal manometry study (1350)
Key points below
Your child’s Esophageal manometry study is scheduled for (date) _____________ at (time) _______________ at Children's Wisconsin Hospital in Milwaukee.
Please stop at a Welcome desk for a badge and directions to:
- 4th floor Craig Yabuki Tower
- Radiology (Imaging) on the 1st floor of the main hospital
Please be here at _________a.m./ p.m. to register your child.
What is Esophageal Manometry?
The study measures pressures in the esophagus both at rest and when swallowing. It is done for a child who chokes when eating or has problems with food getting stuck when trying to eat. The study will show if the nerves and muscles are working together as they should.
How is it done?
We will talk with you about your child’s diet ahead of time.
- A tube, called a manometry catheter is put in the nose and goes into the stomach. The tube is flexible and has tiny tubes, called sensors inside.
- The tubes are hooked up to a computer that records pressure in the esophagus. Pressures change when food and liquid move up and down in the esophagus.
- The tube may be pulled part way out and put back in again 2 or 3 times.
- Your child will be given small sips of a salt water and may be asked to eat a small amount of bread or crackers.
- Sometimes, X-rays are done during the test. For these X-rays, your child will need to drink a barium solution.
The test lasts about 30 to 60 minutes. The tube is removed and you may go home.
Will it hurt?
Having a tube put in the nose is uncomfortable. Having it moved up and down adds to the discomfort. Your child will need to swallow when asked or may need to eat, so sedation is not used for this test.
What needs to be done before the test?
Your child's stomach needs to be empty for this test.
- Your child should not eat any solid foods for 4 hours before the test.
- They should not drink any liquids for 2 hours.
If your child is having other tests or procedures, someone will talk with you about what to do.
It is important that you follow these special instructions. If your child eats or drinks anything after the times listed above, the study may be cancelled.
When will I know the results?
Some early results will be discussed with you after the test is done. It may take about a week for the doctors to review the test recordings and have final results. You will be called if the final results are different from the early results. A letter will be sent to the doctor who ordered the test.