Neurostimulator for GI Clinic (1828)

Key points below

What is a Neurostimulator?


It is a device that may be used to stimulate the nerves that connect to your brain. It may help with pain and other symptoms. The device has a battery that is attached to 4 electrodes. The electrodes go into the skin are covered with stickers.

How is the Neurostimulator placed?

The device is placed by a doctor or nurse using special glue. You will wear it on one ear for 5 days. After 5 days, you will remove the device on your own. After it is off for 2 days, another device can be placed. This treatment often takes at least 4 weeks in a row.

Put on:

Take off:

How do I take care of the device?

Make sure the device and stickers stay in place. You can help keep them in place by doing the test that you were taught. Lightly touch the front and back stickers to be sure the stickers are still in place.

You can keep doing your activities like going to school and playing most sports. Do not swim or put your head under the water.

Talk to your doctor if you will have a test or procedure done while wearing the device. This includes MRI or a surgery. Most are safe to do with the device on. But some use special tools, like cautery. The device would need to be disconnected or removed.

How do I take the device off?

What if my device was placed in the hospital?

For any insurance related questions, including device cost, payment, approval status and more, please call Financial Clearance at (414) 266-6787.


Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any concerns or if your child has any uncontrolled pain, irritation, fever, or a rash develops around the placement site(s).

  • Call GI office nurse line ((414) 266-8490) Monday through Friday.
  • After 4:00 p.m. or on weekends: Dial the hospital operator ((414) 266-2000) and ask for the on call GI fellow.
  • Ask your doctor or nurse if your child has special health care needs not covered by this information.