Endoscopy EGD (2041FV)

Key points below

Who can I call with questions?

For questions about the EGD, call the Appleton Clinic:

For questions about scheduling or if you need to cancel the EGD, call Bellin:

What is an endoscopy?gi anatomy

An Endoscopy (EGD) is a test that lets the doctor see the inside of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine.

How is it done? 

Your child will be asleep during the test. A soft, flexible tube goes in the mouth and down to the stomach. Once the tube is in, the doctor can look at the lining of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum on a TV monitor. Small samples of tissue called biopsies may be taken to the lab to be looked at.

Before the test

1. Your child must not eat any solid food or drink any non-clear liquids after midnight. Clear liquids are okay up to 2 hours before the test. 

 What is considered a clear liquid?

No milk or dairy products. 

No red or purple colored liquids. These can stain the esophagus, stomach and make it look bloody.

Please note: It is important that you follow these special instructions. If your child eats or drinks anything after the times listed above, the test may be cancelled.

2. A nurse from Day Surgery will call you 2 to 3 days before the test to:

3. If your child has diabetes or other health problems, please contact your doctor or clinic about this test as soon as it is scheduled.

After the test

When the endoscopy is done, your child will go to the Recovery Room for a short time. Your child will then go back to Day Surgery. Your child can go home when they are awake and alert. This may take several hours. 

The results of the biopsies will be ready in about one week. A member of your child’s health care team will call you with results. Call after one week if you have not heard from the doctor. 

Possible risks 

An allergic reaction to anesthesia or medicine can occur. The scope (tube) could make a hole in the intestine or bleeding may occur. If this happens, surgery may be needed. Infections such as pneumonia may occur following anesthesia. These risks are rare. 


Other helpful resources

Moviegi.com  This web page has videos in English or Spanish that explain different digestive problems and procedures. 


Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.