Stomach aches (2070)

Key points below

What is a stomach ache?

Any pain in the stomach (abdominal area) is a stomach ache. Most children will have a stomach ache at some time.

What causes a stomach ache?

It is often hard to find out exactly why a child has a stomach ache. Knowing where the pain is and how much pain your child has is helpful. Very young children may not be able to tell you where or how bad it hurts. Common causes of stomach ache in children are:

How is it treated?

Treatment is based on the cause of the stomach ache. Common treatments include:


  • Wakes up at night in pain.
  • Has pain in one specific area (localized).
  • Loses weight or stops growing.
  • Vomits blood or has blood in their stools.
  • Has a family history of bowel problems.
  • Has other symptoms like fever, rash, joint pains or is peeing very often.
  • Shows any signs of dehydration: dry mouth, fewer tears when crying or no urine for 8 to 12 hours.
  • Is having a hard time breathing or is breathing very fast.
  • Has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.