Bone scan (1237)
Key points below
Your child’s bone scan is scheduled for (date) _______________ at
(time) ____________ in the Imaging (Radiology) Department on the first floor of Children’s Wisconsin - Milwaukee Hospital.
Please stop at a Welcome desk for a badge and directions to Imaging.
What is a bone scan?
A bone scan is a test used to look closely at bones and joints. It can show infections, broken bones and tumors. The scan will be done in nuclear medicine.

Special instructions:
- No solid food or whole milk 8 hours before the scan.
- No milk or formula for 6 hours before the scan.
- No breast milk for 4 hours before the scan.
- No clear liquids for 2 hours before the scan.
How the scan is done
Before the scan a soft, flexible tube called an IV is put into a vein. A small amount of tracer (contrast agent) is put in the IV and goes into the bloodstream. The tracer moves to the bones that are being scanned. There are no side effects to this tracer.
A large camera takes pictures of your child’s bones. There may be two sets of pictures taken. The first set may be taken when the IV is put in. After a 1½ to 3 hour break, the next set of pictures will be taken. You may stay with your child the whole time, however no other children are allowed in the room. Your child needs to lie very still for these pictures. If needed, your child will be given medicine to help them relax or sleep through the scan. There is a TV with a DVD in the room for your child to watch during the scan. If your child is going to be sedated, you may be asked to leave the room.
Important information
- It is important that you follow these special instructions. If your child eats or drinks anything after the times listed above, the scan may be cancelled.
- If your child had medicine to relax for the scan, you will need to stay until your child is fully awake.
- Your doctor will receive the results within 24 hours, but it may take up to one week for him or her to review the information.