EMG (1959)

Key points below

Electromyogram (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Study (NCV)

Your child is scheduled for an Electromyogram (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Study (NCV). Please check with your insurance company if you have questions about what they will pay.

What is an Electromyogram (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Study (NCV)?

These tests check how the muscles and nerves are working.
Electromyogram (EMG):

Nerve Conduction Study (NCV):

How do we prepare for EMG and NCV?

When should we arrive? How long does the visit last?

Who to call

Call the Neuroscience Center scheduler at 414-266-6828 if:

How can we help our child during the tests?

You can help your child prepare. Start with these tips:

Can I stay with my child?

Yes. We would like you to talk to your child and hold their hand during the test.

What will happen during the appointment?

What happens after the test?

For more health and wellness information check out this resource:



Call your child’s doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns or if:

  • You think the EVD is coming apart
  • Your child needs to change their position. 
  • Your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.