Beta Thalassemia Trait (1819)

Key points below

Beta Thalassemia Trait

What is Beta Thalassemia?

What does Beta Thalassemia Trait mean?

It means there is one gene in your body for thalassemia. This is a change in your gene that makes hemoglobin.

In order to have the disease, you must have 2 genes for beta thalassemia. You do not have the disease. You will not get it later in life.

What are genes?

Genes are the codes for how to make all the parts of the body. Every person has 2 sets of genes. One set came from the egg and one set came from the sperm.

How does Beta Thalassemia trait affect people?

Why is it important to get tested?

It is important to know if you have beta thalassemia trait.

beta thalassemia trait diagram 1

 Chance:  The Child:
 1 out of 4 (25%)  could have the disease.
 2 out of 4 (50%)  could have the trait, not the disease.
 1 out of 4 (25%)  could have normal hemoglobin

If only one parent has the trait and the other does not, with each pregnancy:

beta thalassemia trait diagram 2

If one parent has beta thalassemia trait and the other parent has sickle cell trait, there is a chance their children could have sickle cell disease. This is also
serious. The child will need lifelong medical care.

For more health and wellness information check out this resource:


Call your health care team if you have any other questions or concerns or if your child:

  • Is exposed to chicken pox or measles. Review the handout on chicken pox exposure.
  • Is not able to drink fluids or keep them in the stomach (throwing up) for 24 hours. 
  • If your infant has not been able to drink fluid or keep fluid in the stomach for 12 hours. 
  • Is not peeing at least 4 times a day.
  • Has liquid poop that keeps going for 24 hours.
  • Does not poop in 3 days.
  • Can’t take medicines.
  • Has tried what the doctor told your child to do and it is not working.
  • Has noticed any changes, even something like just feeling different than normal. 
  • Has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.