Wheelchair assist Down steps (1096)

Key points below

Up and down a curb or stoop (single) step

Specific techniques for your child should be decided by a physical therapist.


Before moving the wheelchair up or down the steps, be sure your child’s seat belt is fastened securely. Your child’s arms should be resting on their lap, away from the wheels. Be sure your child’s feet are resting securely on the footrests.

Going upwoman pushing wheelchair over curb

  1. Position the wheelchair close to the curb or step. Your child faces the curb or step.
  2. While holding the handlebars, the caregiver pushes down on the anti-tip bar with their foot. This will lift the small front wheels of the chair up.
  3. Keep the front wheels up and push the chair forward. The front wheels will rest on the curb or step and the back wheels will touch the curb or step.
  4. Use your legs and lift gently with your arms to roll the back wheels up onto the curb or step.

Going Down

  1. Position the wheelchair close to the curb or step. Your child faces away from the curb or step. The caregiver steps down.
  2. While holding the handlebars, guide the back wheels down the curb or step. Use your body to assist.
  3. Roll the chair backwards until the small front wheels are no longer touching the curb or step.
  4. Lower the front wheels to the ground. Use the anti-tip bar for better control.

ALERT: Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.