Walker training Forward walking (1097)

Key points below

Fitting a walker

Stand straight with your arms hanging down at your sides.  The handles of the walker should be at the height of your wrist.

Standing up from a sitting position

Sitting down

Walking with a walker

A leg that you cannot put weight on is called the involved leg. 



If there is more than one step, go up or down one at a time, without the walker.  Have someone help you carry your walker up or down the stairs.  

Going up:  

  1. Sit on the second step.  Have someone help you get down to the step if needed.
  2. Bend your strong leg and put your hands on the next step up.

Push with your hands and strong leg to lift your bottom up to the next step.

Going down: 
Sit on the top step.  Have someone help you get down to the step if needed.  You can use a chair or low stool to help get to the point between standing and sitting on the floor.

  1. Put your strong foot on the next lower step, but keep your hands on the same step as your bottom.
  2.  Push with your hands and strong leg and lower your bottom down to the next step. 


Going up a curb or one step: 

  1. Get as close as you can to the curb or step. Put the walker on top of the curb or step.
  2. Push with your arms and step up with your strong leg.


Going down a curb or one step:

  1.   Get close to the edge of the curb or step. Put the walker down on the ground.
  2. Step down with your involved leg first. 
  3. Lower yourself down with your arms and strong leg.



Wear flat shoes that tie or Velcro while using a walker.
Watch out for slippery floors, water, puddles, ice, etc.
Be careful of rugs, they catch easily on the walker.
When walking on carpet, lift the walker up to clear the rug.
Use extra care with chairs that have wheels or casters, or a swivel chair/rocker.  Have someone hold the chair when you sit down or get up.
Your physical therapist will talk to you about any other special things you need to do. 


For more health and wellness information check out this resource:  https://kidshealth.org/ChildrensWi/en/parents




Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.