OT after Ravitch surgery (1136)

Key points below

After Ravitch surgery

The day of surgery 

You can help your recovery if you:

Dressing and bathing

For your safety and comfort, sit in a chair to get dressed.

Shower: You will be ready to shower when you leave the hospital.  Once you are at home, if needed, put a shower chair, folding chair, or outdoor plastic chair in the tub or shower. This will help youfoot stretch demonstration wash your legs and feet safely, but it is not required.  Make sure the chair is safe and sturdy.  It should not slip or move around in the shower.

Toileting: It is safe to wipe yourself.  If you have discomfort, try shifting your weight to the side and reach around.  This can be done when sitting or standing.  

For other health and wellness information, check out this resource:



Call your doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any concerns or if you have special health care needs not covered by this information.