Splint instructions (1322)
Key points below
Using a Splint
Your therapist will give you instructions on how to help your child put the splint on. They will explain why your child should wear it.
Wear and care
- Your child should wear the splint for __________________________________ .
- Check every 2 hours to see if the splint is still fitting right.
- Watch your child’s skin for pressure areas. A pressure area is a red mark on your child’s skin that has lasted for more than 20 minutes after the splint is off. If you see a pressure area, stop using the splint. This is not an emergency, but you should call your child’s occupational or physical therapist as soon as possible.
- Put the splint on clean, dry skin. If your child has bathed, let the skin air dry at least ½ hour before putting the splint on.
- Do not use hot water when washing the splint. The splint will change shape when put in hot water.
- Therapist: ____________________________________ Phone: _______________________________
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