Tumble Forms seat in the hospital (1489)

Key points below

 Goal for:
The goal is to be up in the seat ________ times per day for ________ minutes each time.
Start on: (date). Start with _______ times per day for _________

What is a Tumble Forms seat?

A Tumble Forms seat helps your child sit upright at different angles with full body support. The seats are used for children six months old and older. Tumble form

Why should my child use this chair?child in tumble seat

The seat helps your child sit up instead of lying in bed. It also helps your child:


- Crib: The crib bed should be flat and rails must be up to highest level.

- Bed: The bed should be flat and bed rails must be up. Support the seat with pillows as needed to prevent tipping over.

- If your child’s head falls forward, move the seat angle on the wedge to a less upright position.

- Use small rolled up blankets on each side of the head to keep head in the middle if needed.


If the seat gets dirty, use Sani-Cloth wipes with gloves. Soap and warm water can also be used. If the straps get dirty, ask your nurse or therapist for new ones.

For other health and wellness information, check out this resource:


ALERT: Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.

This sheet was created to help you care for your child or family member. It does not take the place of medical care. Talk with your healthcare provider for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.