Intrathecal Baclofen pump (1227)
Key points below
What is a baclofen pump?
Baclofen is a medicine that relaxes muscles and makes it easier to move your child’s body. A baclofen pump gives the medicine through a small tube that goes into the area around your child’s spinal cord. This sheet will help you know what to do to keep your child safe from pump problems. These happen when your child doesn’t get the amount of medicine they need, which can be life-threatening. Most patients have problems because they miss appointments.
Be sure to bring your child to all follow-up appointments!
- If you need to change a pump visit, you must reschedule when you call.
- If you miss a refill visit, your child could get very sick.
What happens at the refill appointments?
Your child needs regular check-ups where we will:
- Check that the pump is working well.
- Take out medicine that is left in the pump and refill it with fresh medicine.
- Talk about how the medicine is working, and make changes if needed.
What should I watch for and do?
It is very important to watch for these things when your child has a baclofen pump. It may mean that your child is not getting enough medicine. This could be life-threatening.
Call the clinic if your child is:
- Very itchy
- Hard to move because of tight muscles
- Having a lot of muscle twitches or spasms
- Acting grumpy without a good reason
- Not able to come to a refill appointment
Call 911 or go to the ER if your child is:
- Hard to wake up, or is extra sleepy
- Dizzy or faint
- Having a hard time breathing
- Having muscle weakness or tingling
- Looking very stiff
How do I call the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation clinic?
- (414) 266-6631 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday
- For problems after hours, (414) 266-2000 ask to talk to Rehab Provider
What if the pump is not working?
Keep some baclofen tablets with your child at all times.
- If your child has pump problems, they might need baclofen tablets right away.
- Call the clinic or after hours number if you think your child needs Baclofen.
- The doctor will tell you how much baclofen to give your child, and what to do next.
What if the pump is beeping?
Any beeping needs to be checked. Call the clinic right away!
Beeping means:
- The pump is low on medicine or the pump is not working.
- Even if the medicine is not empty, your child might have tight muscles or spasms.
- A sudden stop in the medicine can be life-threatening.
What else do I need to know about the pump?
- The pump battery usually lasts about 5 to 7 years. Surgery is needed to replace it.
- Tell your child’s care team (such as other doctors, therapists, and school nurses) that they have a baclofen pump.
- It is safe for your child to go through airport security or have an MRI with the pump.
Pump ID card
You should have a card from Medtronic with details for an emergency.
©2020 Medtronic. All rights reserved. ©2020 Medtronic. All rights reserved. Used with the permission of Medtronic
For safety, carry the card with you.
If you need a new card, tell us right away.
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