Sickle cell disease Aplastic crisis (1566)
Key points below
What is aplastic crisis?
Aplastic crisis means the body stopped making red blood cells. It is often caused by a common cold virus called Parvovirus B19. This virus causes the body to stop making red blood cells for about 7 to 10 days. This will cause blood counts to drop quickly. The virus can cause serious problems for a person with sickle cell disease.
What are the symptoms?
- There may be one or more of these symptoms:
- A recent cold.
- Feeling more tired than normal.
- Wanting to sleep more.
- Feeling like they are going to pass out.
- A headache.
- Looks pale. Look at the palms of the hands or lips to check for paleness.
If any of these symptoms present, go to the Emergency Department. A doctor must be seen and blood must be drawn right away.
What will happen in the hospital?
- Blood will be drawn.
- Your child may need a blood transfusion.
- This virus can easily spread to others. The patient cannot leave the room. This is called isolation.
Hand washing is very important to stop the spread of infection to others.