VACVia vacuum assisted closure VAC therapy (1399)

Key points below

What is V.A.C.® Therapy?

VAC Therapy helps a wound heal. The VAC Via Therapy unit is a system with a soft vacuum. The unit is battery operated. It:

Helps close the wound.
Removes fluids from the wound.
Limits the need for daily dressing changes.

The system has five parts:vac equipment

1. A therapy unit or machine.
2. Foam dressings. The dressing goes on or inside the wound. 
3. Clear adhesive drape. The drape covers the dressing. 
4. Plastic tubing. One end of the tubing connects to the dressing. The other end connects to the canister that fits into the unit
5. Canister.

When the dressing is first put on, some children feel a mild pulling. This is normal. After a few minutes, this goes away.

What do I need to know about using the VAC-Via unit at home?


System alarm

The unit can alarm for many reasons. To solve alarms:

Call The KCI Product Issue Response team at 1-800-275-4524.
If KCI cannot solve the problem, call the clinic during the day time if this occurs. After hours, call the doctor on call or go to the Emergency Department.


What do I do when we no longer need the unit?

VAC Via. 
Power cord. 
AC adapter.

A specially designed, safe, postage paid shipping container has been provided.


Llame al médico de su hijo, a su enfermera o a la clínica si tiene cualquier pregunta o inquietud o si su hijo:

  • presenta dificultades al tragar alimentos;
  • vomita los alimentos ingeridos;
  • presenta piel enrojecida, hinchada o con secreciones alrededor de las incisiones;
  • tiene una temperatura de101,5* F (38,6* C) o superior;
  • presenta enrojecimiento o secreciones en la sonda de gastrostomía;
  • tiene necesidades especiales de cuidados médicos que no se cubrieron en esta información.