Collecting clean urine sample: Penis (2017)
Key points below
Why does my child need to collect a clean void urine specimen?
Your child’s doctor has asked for this specimen. Everyone has bacteria on their skin. A clean void is done to keep skin bacteria from getting into the urine. If skin bacteria gets into the urine, the test results will not be accurate.How do I collect the urine?
Gather the supplies:
- A sterile collection cup. Ask how full the cup should be to get the amount needed for the specimen.
- 3 wipes.
When your child feels ready to urinate (pee), follow these steps:
1. Wash your hands with soap and water.
2. Take the cap off the collection cup. Do not touch the inside of the cap. Put the cap on a clean paper towel or surface. The inside of the cap should be facing up.
3. Open the three towelettes.
4. Start at the tip of the penis and wipe in a circle towards the base. Do this 3 times. Use each wipe one time only. If your child has a foreskin, pull it back before cleaning if possible. In young boys, you may not be able to pull the foreskin back. Hold back the foreskin during the whole collection.
6. When the cleaning is done, ask your child to urinate (pee). Do not stop the urine flow. Put the collection cup in position to catch the urine. Do not let the cup touch your child’s skin.
7. When the urine is collected, remove the cup. Your child may then finish urinating.
8. Put the cap tightly on the collection cup and wipe the outside of it.
9. Wash your hands with soap and water.
10. Write your child’s name, date and time on the cup.
11. If you are at the lab, give the specimen to the staff person. If you are at home, put the cup into a plastic bag. Put it in the refrigerator. Bring it to the lab within 8 hours.
12. If you are not able to collect the urine, tell the lab staff. Your child’s doctor may ask that the urine be collected a different way.