Wound care after orthopedic surgery (1304)
Key points below
Why is orthopedic wound care needed?
After surgery it is important to do wound care at home. This helps the wound to heal. It also prevents the wound from becoming infected.
What supplies are needed?
• Gauze sponges
• Other: _______________________________________
How often is wound care done?
The dressing is left in place for 3 to 4 days after the procedure.
- If the tape is loose before it needs to be changed, use more tape to hold it in place.
- After the first dressing change, change the dressing every other day until the old gauze is dry. When there is no more drainage, you may leave steri-strips open to air.
- The dressing should always be clean and dry. If the dressing gets wet or dirty, it must be changed.
- If an elastic bandage (Ace®) is being used, be careful not to wrap it too tight. If there is swelling around the wrap, take it off and re-wrap.
Follow these steps to change the dressing:
1. Wash your hands with soap and water.
2. Take off the old dressing and throw it away. Look at the wound for signs of infection. Signs include redness, swelling and drainage. If the drainage is green call your child’s doctor.
3. Wash your hands again with soap and water.
4. Cover the wound with a dry gauze sponge. Use tape to keep the gauze in place.
- If there are steri-strips on the wound and there is no drainage on the old dressing, you do not need a new dressing. Many times the steri-strips will fall off by themselves.
- If the wound has stitches or staples, the dressing changes must be done even if there is no drainage on the old dressing. The stitches or staples will be removed by the doctor, PA, NP or nurse about two weeks after the procedure.
Will the dressing change hurt?
Taking the tape off the old dressing may cause some pain. Older children may find that helping remove the tape helps lessen the pain. Your child must wash their hands with soap and water if they help with their own dressing change.