Surgical site infections SSIs Wound infection after surgery (1061)

Key points below

Wound Infection after Surgery

What are surgical site infections or SSIs?

A Surgical Site Infection (SSI) is an infection of a wound from surgery. Most infections are caused by germs (bacteria) found on and in the body. Germs are everywhere. They can be found on the skin, in the air, and on surfaces. Fortunately, only 2 out of 100 patients who have surgery, get a surgery wound infection.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms can come at any time- hours to even weeks after surgery. Call your child’s healthcare provider if you think there is an infection.

Who has a greater chance of getting an infection?

Patients who:

How are the infections treated?

Treatment depends on where the wound is and what type of germ is causing the infection. A small amount of wound drainage may be sent to the lab to see what germs are in the wound. Most infections are treated with antibiotics.

What can you do to help prevent an infection?

What is done in the hospital to prevent SSIs?

Before surgery:

During surgery:


Call your child’s doctor, nurse or clinic if you or your child have any concerns:

  • Symptoms of an infection such as fever, redness, swelling, increasing pain or green or yellow drainage.
  • Special health care needs that were not covered by this information.