Family case management

Wisconsin department of children & families logoFamily case managers work with families where children have been determined to be unsafe and subsequently removed from their home under a court order in order to ensure their safety while parents work on enhancing their ability to parent safely. Family case management services are designed to achieve a safe and permanent home for children, preferably through reunification with their family whenever possible. If reunification cannot safely be achieved, other permanency goals such as adoption or transfer of guardianship are pursued to ensure that all kids have a safe, stable, nurturing place to grow up. 

Consider a career in this challenging and rewarding field. 

A mom and son give eskimo kisses.

Permanency consultation

Permanency consultants work alongside family case managers to ensure that children involved in the child well-being system achieve permanency in a timely manner, by providing consultation around identifying a permanency goal that is in a child's best interest and the use of concurrent planning.

Intensive In-home Services

Intensive In-home Services works with families after a report of child abuse or neglect and further assessment determines that kids are unsafe in their home. The goal of Intensive In-home Services is to keep children in their biological homes through in-home safety planning while parents work on enhancing their ability to parent safely. Intensive In-home Services connects families to community resources and natural supports to help them ensure their children's safety and well-being.

Family support

Family support specialists provide an array of supportive services to families involved in the child well-being system in conjunction with the Family Case Management/ IIH programs. Services provided include visitation coaching, parenting assessment, parenting and nurturing education through the use of an evidence-based curriculum, and home management services. Family Support's Stable Start program also works with out-of-home caregivers to provide them with the tools and strategies they need to effectively meet the particular needs of the children in their care, with the goal of promoting stable placements.

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Read our foster care and adoption blog - Kid Hero.Kid Hero foster care and adoption blog of Children's Wisconsin