Lindsay Heights

The Lindsay Heights neighborhood is working towards improving the quality of life for residents by drawing on the strengths of the community, residents, business owners, non-profits, and a range of other stakeholders.

Some initiatives that are taking place, like the Zilber Initiative, through a facilitated discussion with both neighborhood residents and community stakeholders focus on the areas of:
  • Education
  • Youth and family activities
  • Health and wellness
  • Healthy food access
  • Life-long learning
  • Commercial corridors

With collaborations, the Lindsay Heights neighborhood goal is to bring awareness and resources together to focus on these areas as well as creating an abundant and sustainable community.

Key partners

In each neighborhood, key partners play a significant role in facilitating and leading the process and engaging community members. The key partners for Lindsay Heights are the Northside YMCA and Walnut Way. They are long-standing trusted community resources offering recreational and educational programs and services for children, teens, and their families.

Following, you will find a few highlights of both the community assets and recent activities in alignment with the aforementioned priorities:

Contact Healthy Milwaukee

Contact our Healthy Milwaukee team by email or

(414) 337-7156