Eye conditions

Our Eye Program diagnoses, treats, and manages a wide range of childhood eye diseases, both common and rare. Some of the conditions we treat include:

Strabismus (eye misalignment)

About strabismus

Strabismus is more commonly known as eye misalignment or crossed eye. This condition occurs when both eyes do not look in the same direction at the same time. An eye may turn in, out, up, or down. Eye misalignment may be related to farsightedness or muscle control.

Strabismus care at Children’s

Our specialists conduct a range of diagnostic tests to confirm eye misalignment. Treatments may include prescription lenses, orthoptic therapy, or eye muscle surgery to help the eyes look straight. If strabismus is not treated in early childhood, your child might suffer vision loss in the “lazy” eye.

Amblyopia (lazy eye)

About amblyopia

Amblyopia, often called “lazy eye,” is a condition that decreases the vision in one eye, though it can affect both eyes. It is commonly a result of eye misalignment or refractive errors. You may notice your child favoring one eye or notice vision impairment on one side.

Amblyopia care at Children’s

We offer a variety of treatments for lazy eye including glasses, prisms, eyedrops, contact lenses and eye patches.

Blocked Tear Ducts

About blocked tear ducts

Some children are born with tear ducts that do not open very well. Because the tear duct is blocked, the sac remains filled with tears, which may cause the area to swell. This can lead to infections. Most blocked tear ducts do clear up on their own by the time your child is one year of age. If the tear duct is still blocked by the age of one year, tear duct probing surgery is then recommended.


About cataracts

Cataracts are a cloudy area in the eye’s lens. This cloudy area blocks the light entering the eye, making it difficult for your child to see. Cataracts are not painful and vary in how much the vision is affected. Some children are born with cataracts while some develop cataracts after an eye injury. 

Cataract care at Children’s

Sometimes cataracts may be corrected by stronger glasses, contacts, or other vision aids. However, most cataracts need to be surgically removed in order for your child to have the best possible vision.

Congenital glaucoma

About congenital glaucoma

Glaucoma is group of eye conditions in which pressure builds in the eye that may damage the optic nerve, causing a loss of vision. Congenital glaucoma is rare and treatable. Early detection and treatment is important to help your child avoid serious vision problems in the future. 

Congenital glaucoma care at Children’s

Congenital glaucoma is diagnosed during the course of a thorough eye exam. Treatment options at Children’s include drops and medication to reduce pressure and excess fluid in the eye. Surgery, including laser, implants and filtering offers a long-term solution to childhood glaucoma.

Make an appointment

To make an appointment, call our Central Scheduling team or request an appointment online.

(877) 607-5280

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