Herma Heart Institute CHD Bank

CHD BankThe Herma Heart Institute (HHI) CHD Bank is dedicated to advancing cardiovascular science and healthcare by collecting, preserving, and distributing high-quality cardiac tissue, cells and data.

Our mission is a commitment to accelerate research, innovation and patient outcomes for cardiovascular diseases by providing quality biological specimens, fostering collaboration, and maintaining the highest standards of excellence.

HHI CHD Bank - Sample inquiry request form

To inquire if samples are available for a project or to request samples for a project, complete the form below. Please note: inquires may take up to three weeks to process.

Complete the form

Contact us

Program manager
Rachel Lorier
(414) 955-2360

Bank manager
Mary Goetsch
(414) 955-2367

Research coordinator
Jen Maldonado

Regulatory manager
Anne Laulederkind