Be an advocate for kids

Advocacy means to speak up, to plead the case of another or to champion a cause. It's an important way in which we can help ensure and improve the health and well-being of all children.

Children's Wisconsin is dedicated to advocating on behalf of our patients and families at the local, state and federal levels with the goal of positively impacting legislation that affects the health and well-being of children and families in Wisconsin and nationwide.

Children often don't have a voice in the decisions that affect them. Advocacy efforts rely on the strength and active involvement of volunteers who care about kids and want to make a difference.

With your help, we can:

  • Improve the health and well-being of children by positively impacting public policy in a way that is more sensitive to the needs of children.
  • Build a network of supporters to create a stronger voice for children and their families through organized advocacy efforts.
Contact us

For information about our advocacy efforts, email us.

Featured video

Meet Linda Bevec, mom and child advocate, and learn how you can help advocate for kids.
Read our blog

We invite you to read our blog to learn more about our advocacy efforts.