Safe and strong (1684)

Key points below

Hug don’t hit

What is discipline?

Discipline teaches a child the right way to express their needs and wants by helping them learn how to understand and follow rules. The best discipline works without hitting or causing pain.

Children’s Wisconsin and the American Academy of Pediatrics do not support physical discipline. “Safe & Strong Together” is about making Children’s Wisconsin a place that is safe and healthy for everyone. Help your child grow strong:

What does “Hug Don’t Hit” teach my child?

What can parents do?

Keep your child safe. Teach your child how to act by behaving that way yourself. Children learn a lot by watching adults.

Young: Toddler to Preschool

School age: Kindergarten to High School

Why isn’t hitting helpful?

For more information?

You can ask staff for other teaching sheets that may be helpful: Distraction Techniques, Discipline and Guidance for Early Years to Age Five, Temper Tantrums, Taming Temper Tantrums, Making and Enforcing Rules.

If you would like help learning how to discipline your child, call (414) 671-0566 for the Parent Helpline or 2-1-1 for local community resources or go to for the Triple P Positive Parenting Program.


Call your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has special health care needs that were not covered by this information.