Coping with nosebleeds For people with bleeding disorders (1184)

Key points below

For people with bleeding disorders

Many people have nosebleeds. People with a bleeding disorder have them more often. They can be made worse by dry winter air, humid summer air. Environmental allergies, like pollen or ragweed can also cause nosebleeds. They are also worse from picking, bumping or rubbing the nose. For many, a nosebleed goes away in a few minutes. For others, they happen a lot, last a long time or are heavy. This can affect daily life.

How can they be prevented?

How are they treated?

If you have frequent, heavy, or nonstop nosebleeds: 

1. Pinch your nose firmly just under the bony ridge for 15 minutes. Do not peek before the time is up.
a. If it still bleeds after the 15 minutes, pinch again for another 10 minutes. Remember, do not peek early. To help pinch the nose and still keep both hands free, a nose clip can be used.
b. Do not lie down or tilt your head back. Try to tilt your head slightly forward. You do not want blood to run down the back of your throat into your stomach. Blood in the stomach may make you vomit. If you taste blood in your mouth, gently spit it out.

2. If pinching does not stop the nosebleed, try these things: 

If the above measures are not effective, you may need to talk with a medical professional. Medicines your doctor may prescribe are:

If you have questions about this information, please call your Comprehensive Center for Bleeding Disorders (CCBD) Nurse Coordinator.    
CCBD - Phone: (414) 257-2424 or (888) 312-CCBD.


Call your child’s doctor, nurse, clinic or the CCBD if you have any questions or concerns or if your child has: