Pre-admission tours

Going on a tour is an easy way to get ready for a surgery or hospital stay. Child Life Specialists use words that kids can understand. Children who go on a tour can better understand what to expect. This makes them less likely to feel worried.

We are sorry, but pre-admission tours are not being held at this time.

Our Child Life specialists help kids feel ready for surgery using pictures and medical items. During the tour, they get a bag to play with some medical items at home.

  • We offer tours for children of all ages. We welcome family members to join.
  • Patients can watch a hospital video. They can play with medical items to help get used to seeing them.
  • Walking tours provide a question-and-answer session to help them get ready. 

Video tour

Not everyone can visit Children's Wisconsin before a planned hospital stay or surgery. To learn more, please enjoy this video.

Video in English

Video en Español