In this section
- Annual reports
- Services at a glance
- Why choose Children's Wisconsin?
- Mission and values
- Inclusion, diversity and equity
- Safety, quality, and outcomes
- Awards and recognition
- Our leadership
- Forward Pediatric Alliance
- Connected for Kids
- MCW affiliation
- Newsroom
- Media guidelines
- Social media
- Our history
- Terms of use
- Accessibility statement
- Information for vendors
- Privacy practices
- Organized Health Care Arrangement
- Non-discrimination
- Art consent form
News reporters on deadline should contact the Children's Wisconsin Marketing and Communication Department at (414) 266-5420 or toll-free at (866) 416-1511. A staff member is on call 24 hours per day, seven days per week to assist the media. After hours, please call (414) 266-2000 and ask the operator to page the on-call staff person for assistance.
General media questions without same-day deadlines also can be e-mailed to the Marketing and Communication Department at
Media relations staff in the Marketing and Communication Department is available to assist local, regional, national, and international news media in answering questions about the health system, locating an expert, or obtaining more information about a news release or event.
For non-urgent needs, you can also contact:
Ashley Janzen, External Communications Consultant – (414) 266-3056 or
The Medical College of Wisconsin inquires can be directed to their media relations team.
To send mail to Marketing and Communication staff, our address is:
Children's Wisconsin
MS C610, PO Box 1997
Milwaukee, WI 53201
(414) 266-5439