Owl Prowl Hiking with Schlitz Audubon

Young Adult Oncology Group:
Owl Prowl Hiking with Schlitz Audubon

October 20th from 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Rain date October 26th.
Schlitz Audubon
1111 E Brown Deer Rd, Bayside, WI 53217

Enjoy an evening nature hike for young adults with cancer (18 & up). We’ll explore the forest to discover “hooo’s” making noises in the night. Sound is the best way to identify owls, so put on your owl ears and prepare to hear and see some of our local residents! We’ll also have a chance to meet some of the Raptor Program’s owl ambassadors.

Register below by October 24th!

*To attend this event, please assure you are free of any symptoms of viral or bacterial illness. It is recommended that participants are fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

Questions? Reach out to Jocelyn Morin at jmorin@childrenswi.org or (414) 266-6151.

Consent & release of liability

Description of Event: Owl Prowl Hiking with Schlitz Audubon

Location: Schlitz Audubon - 1111 E Brown Deer Rd, Bayside, WI 53217

Date: October 20th 2022

Transportation: Transportation is not provided. Participants will need to provide their own transportation.

Photographs/Recordings: I agree to the taking and using of my or my child’s image, portrait, picture, voice and Children’s and its affiliates. I agree that all rights therein are and shall remain the property of Children’s, its successors and assigns. Children’s may use My Likeness, without compensation, in any and all forms now or hereafter known (print, website, social media, etc.)

Medical Clearance: It is the participant/parent’s responsibility to discuss participation in the event with the participant’s health care provider and to ensure that the participant is medically appropriate to participate in this event.

COVID Expectations

- If a participant has any COVID symptoms or pending test result, they cannot attend.

- If a participant tests positive for COVID, they cannot attend the event unless they are 10 days from their positive test.

- Social distance as much as possible.

- Masks to be worn when within six feet

- It is recommended participants be fully COVID vaccinated

Release of Liability: In consideration of my or my child’s participation in the event listed above, to the fullest extent permitted by law, I release Children’s and its affiliated entities, and their respective employees, volunteers, officers, directors and agents (“Children’s”) from any liability or claim for loss, injury or illness that I may sustain during my participation in this event. I understand that this release applies to myself and my personal representatives, heirs and assigns, and that this release excludes any harm or loss caused intentionally or recklessly by Children’s. I recognize that risks of these activities may include the risks identified below. I also waive the right I have to bargain for different release of liability terms.

Risks: no risks

I have read this consent form. By selecting the YES option below and typing my name, I confirm I am the person named above, I am legally able to consent for myself or my child and I hereby give my consent under the terms stated above.