Marshfield Office-Children's Wisconsin

This office is open for limited client programming. Please call the office to find out specific information. Masks are optional for in person appointments.
Our services
Because we all want our children to thrive, Children's Wisconsin offers a variety of programs to help support parents and caregivers. Many of these programs are offered in partnership with local agencies and organizations.
Parents can find resources and programs and enjoy activities with their children. We offer parenting classes, parent information meetings and parent-child activities. We also offer screening for children ages 4 months to 5 years to see if they may need extra help in some areas. There is no cost to you.
Warm line
Call the office warm line at 715-387-6310, Ext 2 for advice on common challenges of raising kids. This line is not for emergencies. The warm line is for parents who may be under stress, have questions, or just need someone to talk to. Parents can also call for information about safe sleep and future classes.
Play and Learn for birth to five
Play and Learn teaches skills to help your child develop. It also shows positive ways for a parent and child to connect. Play and Learn is a place for parents to meet and support each other. Call the office for upcoming sessions.
Marshfield Family Resource Center
Our Marshfield Family Resource Center is a place for parents to learn to be the best possible parents they can be. The center provides a nurturing environment in which parents can connect with resources, access programs and enjoy family activities with their children at no cost.
Free programs
Programs and child care are provided free of charge. Please call to register for programs. This allows us to continue providing quality programming. Programming is developed on an ongoing basis in response to community needs and requests.
Join the conversation on the Marshfield's Family Resource Center Facebook page.
For a list of upcoming programs, view our Marshfield Family Matters newsletter (PDF).
Home visiting
Learn more about our home visiting program.