Antigo Office-Children's Wisconsin

- Main Phone (715) 627-1414

The center is a place for parents to learn to be the best possible parents they can be. We provide a nurturing environment in which parents can connect with resources, access programs and enjoy family activities with their children at no cost.
Our staff believes there is no one right way to parent, and all families can benefit from parenting information and support. Participants have the opportunity to:
- Learn about early childhood brain development
- Strengthen family relationships
- Learn what to expect as their children grow
- Learn how to communicate with their children
- Develop stress management skills
- Learn effective discipline techniques
- Free programs
All families are welcome to participate in our free programs. Programs and information subject to change without notice. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Family Support Program
This is a contracted service focusing on providing parents and caregivers with knowledge of parenting skills and family well-being along with other individualized needs and goals determined by the family. The Family Interaction Program is a component of the Family Support Program which offers a safe environment for visits between children who are placed in Out-of-Home Care and their families. The visitation setting offers an opportunity to practice and increase parent's skills while staff provide parent education on how to effectively meet the needs of their children.
A voluntary and free program whose mission is to provide support for expecting parents. This program can continue its support to the parent through the infancy, toddler and young child stages. Our staff provide personalized home visits where they share parenting and child development information, supply the family with activity ideas which promotes child development and a strong parent child attachment along with connecting the family to community resources. If interested in the program, complete the referral form on this webpage.
Family Resource Center
Our programming provides an opportunity for parents to learn to be the best possible parents they can be. Parents can connect with resources, access programs, and enjoy family activities with their children at no cost. Programming includes parenting classes, parent information sessions on topics that are valuable to parents and parent-child interaction activities such as Play and Learn. Programming is developed on an ongoing basis in response to community needs and requests.
Our services

At our Antigo Community Services location, we offer:
- Langlade County Family Resource Center
- Home visiting