Kelly J Henrickson, MD
8915 W. Connell CourtMilwaukee, WI 53226
Dr. Henrickson cares for children and teaches residents and fellows at the Children’s Wisconsin and the Medical College of Wisconsin. He is director of the Midwest Respiratory Virus Program (MRVP) and director of the Respiratory Virus molecular diagnostic laboratory. Dr. Henrickson is founder and past Chairman of the Board of Science officer of Prodesse, Inc. now part of Genprobe Inc. Dr. Henrickson is a voting member of the Microbiology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee, CDRH, Food and Drug Administration (FDA). He also is a past member of the Wisconsin Biotech Association’s Board of Directors (2001-2004). Dr. Henrickson serves as a reviewer for numerous publications including; Journal of clinical Virology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Journal of Infectious Diseases, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Emerging Infectious Diseases, and Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology.
In addition to his academic and clinical work, Dr. Henrickson has served as an editor and reviewer in various national and international capacities, including work for NIH/NIAID, CDC and VA Study Sections on Experimental Virology and molecular diagnostics (2007-2009). Most recently he has served on special emphasis panels on SARS and bioterrorism agents (2004, 2005) and pandemic influenza vaccines and diagnostics (2006-2008) and non-pharmaceutical interventions for Pandemic Influenza (2006), Biodefense Therapeutic (2008) and molecular sample collection technologies (2009). He recently reviewed the U.S. military infectious disease program (USAMRIID, 2003) and was on the scientific advisory board for the “International Symposium on Respiratory viral infections” (2005). He has lectured extensively (nationally and internationally) on an array of topics but most specifically on viral respiratory disease, molecular diagnostics and the epidemiology and natural history of influenza and pandemic disease. In addition, he has published over 141 articles, abstracts, and book chapters, primarily on respiratory viruses.
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Areas of Interest
- Molecular diagnostics
- Viral respiratory disease
- Infectious disease
Education and Awards
- 1984, University of Washington School of Medicine, MD
- 1987, Strong Memorial Hosp (Rochester, NY) - Pediatrics
- 1990, St Jude Childrens Research Hospital (Memphis, TN) - Pediatric Infectious Disease