Hannah Johnson, MD

Hannah Kara Johnson, MD

Children’s Wisconsin since 2021
  • Pediatrician, Children's Wisconsin


  • Children's Wisconsin Urgent Care
    PO Box 1997
    Milwaukee, WI 53201


As a general pediatrician, who spent the first part of my career working in a pediatric emergency room, I love seeing children of all ages and types of problems. My goal is to help both child and parent feel comfortable, feel heard, and leave in a better place than when they arrived! When I'm not working in urgent care, I love spending time with my family, working outside in the yard, doing photography, and spoiling my dog!


  • Pediatrics

Areas of Interest

  • Urgent care
  • Emergency medicine
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Education and Awards


  • 2013, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, MD


  • 2016, Children's Mercy Hospital (Kansas City, MO) - Pediatrics