Jena B Tanem, APNP
Family Nurse Practitioner
Children’s Wisconsin since 2011
Nurse Practitioner
8915 W. Connell CourtMilwaukee, WI 53226
Jena is Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner who has a special interest in pediatric populations, specifically congenital heart disease. She is part of a team of general cardiology nurse practitioners who provide inpatient care to post-surgical cardiac patients. She is also an integral part of the Inter-stage Home Monitoring Program, providing specialized education for families of children with single ventricle physiology, allowing them to safely care for their child during the inter-stage period. Jena is a strong advocate for patients and families and strives to provide informed, safe, quality care.
- Family Nurse Practitioner
Areas of Interest
- Cardiology
- Interstage home monitoring
Education and Awards
- 2009, University of Rochester (Rochester, NY), BSN (Archived)
- 2011, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, MSN
Research and publications
- QI research surrounding Interstage program and parent readiness for discharge
- Neurodevelopmental outcomes of children with single ventricle physiology