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EOS scanner
Video: Patient family testimonial
Children's Wisconsin was one of first pediatric hospitals in the nation with an EOS low-dose radiation scanner. Doctors mainly use the scanner to help treat children with scoliosis.
Families are traveling across the country for this cutting-edge care. Watch one family's story:
Safer care for kids

When a child has scoliosis, doctors follow his or her growth and development carefully. A scoliosis patient will have spine images taken every six months until his or her skeleton has reached full growth height. One of the most important advantages of using the EOS scanner is the large decrease in radiation dose - up to 10 times less than a regular X-ray, and up to 99 percent less than a CT (computed tomography) scan of the spine.
Advantages of EOS
In less than 20 seconds, the EOS scanner can take a 3D, head-to-toe image of your child in a standing, weight-bearing position. EOS images also provide sharper detail, helping doctors better decide the right course of treatment and, over time, measure the results of that treatment.
Research improves future care
EOS images also will help doctors improve future scoliosis care. Because these images provide a much clearer picture of the spine, doctors can see and document the results of treatment. Over time, this means a big improvement in the quality of life for children and families living with long-term health conditions like scoliosis.
Make an appointment
To make an appointment, call our Central Scheduling team or request an appointment online.