Elham Abushanab, MD
Epilepsy, Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology
Children’s Wisconsin since 2022
- Pediatric neurologist, Children's Wisconsin
- Assistant Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin
8915 W. Connell CourtMilwaukee, WI 53226
My primary concern and goal is to provide my patients and their families with the best care possible and the most up-to-date management. In pediatrics, this is usually a group effort with me and the family working as a unit. My area of specialty is with epilepsy; seizure disorders. This can be from evaluation of a first time seizures to more complex epilepsies that are difficult to treat.
- Epilepsy, Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology
Areas of Interest
- Neuroscience
Education and Awards
- 2015, Jordan University of Science and Technology Faculty of Medicine, MD
- 2021, Cleveland Clinic Foundation - Child Neurology
- 2022, Cleveland Clinic - Epilepsy