Janesville Office-Children's Wisconsin

Staff to provide virtual and in-person services for our families we serve.
Learn more about all the services offered at our Janesville Office.
Our services
At our Janesville Community Services location, we offer:
- Rock County Family Resource Center
- Home Visiting
Rock County Family Resource Center
The Rock County Family Resource Center partners with parents and community resources to strengthen families in Rock County.
The center is a place for parents and other caregivers to learn to be the best possible parents they can be. It provides a nurturing environment in which parents and other caregivers can connect with resources, access information, participate in parenting programs and enjoy family activities with their children at no cost. Our staff believes there is no one right way to parent and all families can benefit from parenting information and support.
Participants have the opportunity to:
- Learn about early childhood brain development
- Strengthen family relationships
- Learn what to expect as their children grow
- Learn how to communicate with their children
- Develop stress management skills
- Learn effective discipline techniques
Free programs
Rock county Family Resource Center invites you to learn more about the free educational programs and fun activities available to families living in our community. From parenting advice to playgroups for moms, dads and kids, we hope to provide you with tools to help your family succeed. All families are welcome to participate in our free programs. Registration is required for some programs.
Visit our Facebook page for more information on our programs and services.
Home visiting
Learn more about our Home Visiting program
Cribs for Kids®
Children’s Wisconsin – Janesville Office Cribs for Kids® Program
In January 2022, Children’s Wisconsin- Janesville Office became an official Cribs for Kids® site in Rock County. Our Cribs for Kids® program provides Rock county families with Cribettes™ to help reduce deaths due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and unsafe sleep. Cribettes™ are provided free of charge to families who are unable to purchase one and are referred by health care organizations such as medical clinics and hospitals, and community agencies. Families can also call the Cribs for Kids® program directly.
A playard designed for both safety and fun, the Cribette™ promotes safe sleep habits by providing a cozy, solo space for your little one.
Cribettes™ are used because they are portable and can be taken wherever the baby needs to be cared for. Before a family is given a Cribette™, Cribs for Kids® provides education and training on proper sleep position and sleep environment for the baby.
Program eligibility
To qualify for a free Cribette™ through the Cribs for Kids® program you must be pregnant or a parent/caregiver parenting a child under 1 year of age, meet income requirements, and have no other safe sleep environment available for your baby.
Community professionals may refer families to the Cribs for Kids® program or families can contact the Cribs for Kids® program using the following link or by calling Children’s WI – Janesville Office. A scheduled appointment with the parent/caregiver is required by the Cribs for Kids® program in order to be eligible to receive a Cribette™.
- Complete online inquiry
- Cribs for Kids program flyer
- Cribs for Kids brochure | En Español
- Cribs for Kids® Caregiver Instructional Video
Contact information
Janesville Office Cribs for Kids® Program
Phone: (608) 314-9006, ext. 1
Address: 32 E. Racine St., Suite 190
Janesville, WI 53545
Useful links
How can you help?
The Cribs for Kids® program in Rock County relies on generous donations from the community to provide this program free of charge. If you are interested in donating, please contact Program Manager, Kara Singleton at (608) 531-3345 or mail in a check payable to “Children’s Wisconsin”. Mail your check to:
Children’s Wisconsin – Janesville Office
Attn: Kara Singleton, Cribs for Kids Program
32 E. Racine St., Suite 190
Janesville, WI 53545