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International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD) 2021 congress
Originally the IRSSD 2020 Congress was to be held June 2020 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the event shifted to a virtual congress held January 22-23, 2021. The congress was a success with over 120 registrations, from 14 different countries, 4 keynote speakers, 18 symposium presenters and moderators and 7 sponsors. Also represented were 70 plus podium and poster presenters. Much gratitude goes out to all involved in the planning, presenting and attendees.
Friday, January 22

7:30 - 7:40 a.m. | Welcome Message by Tomasz Kotwicki, MD (University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland), and John Thometz, MD (Children's Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin)
7:40 - 8:10 a.m. | Keynote #1: What Causes AIS? Ask the Genome! by Carol Wise, PhD (Scottish Rite for Children)
8:10 - 8:25 a.m. | Live Q&A moderated by Channing Tassone, MD (Children's Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin)
8:25 - 8:55 a.m. | Symposium #1: Eliminating 2D Spinal Assessments and Embracing 3D and 4D by Patrick Knott, PhD (Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science), PA-C, Xue-Cheng Liu, MD, PhD (Children's Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin), and Saba Pasha, PhD (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
8:55 – 9:10 a.m. | Live Q&A moderated by Patrick Knott, PhD, PA-C (Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science)
9:10 – 9:20 a.m. | Break
9:20 – 9:50 a.m. | Keynote #2: Optimizing Surgical Results of Vertebral Body Tethering by Stephan Parent, MD, PhD (Sainte-Justine Hospital)
9:50 – 10 a.m. | Live Q&A moderated by Tomasz Kotwicki, MD (University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland)
10 – 10:40 a.m. | Symposium #2 | Gait and Posture Analysis in Scoliosis-Implications for Clinical Practice by Nachi Chockalingham, PhD (Staffordshire University), Ram Haddas, PhD (Texas Back Institute), Robert Needham, PhD (Staffordshire University), and Thomas Shannon, TD PhD (Staffordshire University)
10:50 – 11 a.m. | Live Q&A moderated by Nachi Chockalingham, PhD (Staffordshire University)
11 a.m. | Day One Closing Remarks by John Thometz, MD (Children's Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin)
Saturday, January 23
7:30 – 7:45 a.m. | In Memorium of Professor Burwell by Peter Dangerfield, MD
8:15 – 8:25 a.m. | Keynote Speaker #3: Adaptation of Emerging Technologies in Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery by Brandon Rebholz, MD (Medical College of Wisconsin)
8:15 – 8:25 a.m. | Live Q&A moderated by Benjamin Escott, MD (Children's Wisconsin)
8:25 – 9:05 a.m. | Symposium #3 | Future Generation of Brace by Carl-Eric Aubin, PhD (Polytechnique Montreal, Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center, TransMedTech Institute), MS Wong (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), and Luke Stikeleather, CO (National Scoliosis Center)
9:05 – 9:15 a.m. | Live Q&A moderated by Carl-Eric Aubin, PhD (Polytechnique Montreal, Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center, TransMedTech Institute)
9:15 – 9:25 a.m. | Break
9:25 – 9:55 a.m. | Keynote Speaker #4: Pulmonary Outcomes in Pediatric Spinal Deformity Surgery by Patrick Cahill, MD (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
9:55 – 10:05 a.m. | Live Q&A moderated by John Thometz, MD (Children's Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin)
10:05 – 10:45 a.m. | Symposium #4: Bracing for the Early Onset of Scoliosis by M. Timothy Hresko, MD (Boston Children Hospital), Channing Tassone, MD (Children's Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin), John Thometz, MD (Children's Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin), and Jim Wynne (Boston O&P)
10:45 – 10:55 a.m. | Live Q&A moderated by John Thometz, MD (Children's Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin)
10:55 – 11:10 a.m. | IRSSD General Assembly facilitated by Tomasz Kotwicki, MD (University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland), and report by Xue-Cheng Liu, MD, PhD (Children's Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin)
11:10 – 11:20 a.m. | Awards by Rene Castelein (University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands) and Closing Remarks by John Thometz, MD (Children's Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin)
To view more information on the next IRSSD Congress visit: