Bruce Davison

Bruce A Davison, MD

Children’s Wisconsin since 2023
  • Urgent care doctor, Children's Wisconsin


  • Children's Wisconsin Urgent Care
    PO Box 1997
    Milwaukee, WI 53201



Childhood is such an important time in people’s lives. It is very rewarding to me to be in a position where I can improve the quality of a child’s life, by treating a child for an illness or condition that they are struggling with or by providing education on how to prevent future problems. It is my goal as a doctor to listen closely to the concerns of children and families. I try to help children feel better, explain to the child and family what is going on in language that they can understand, and help the family care for the child at home. Honesty and transparency are important to me. If I don't know the answer to a question, I will say that. But, I will also use all of the resources that I have to find out the answer.  The term ‘doctor’ comes from a Latin word which means teacher, I feel that being a teacher is a very important part of what I do.


  • Pediatrics

Areas of Interest

  • Urgent care
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Education and Awards


  • 1985, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, MD


  • 1988, Indiana University Hospitals - Pediatrics